Medical Physician Preparation (MPP) Academy

A Division of the NAPCA Foundation

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., Physician Assistants, Nurses, Dentists, EMTs/Paramedics) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

MPP Academy

Medical Physician Preparation Academy

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., physician assistants, nurses, dentists) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

Welcome Returning Students!

We are glad that you are interested in returning to NAPCA’s MPP Academy! To enroll in the program for the upcoming year, we require all students to meet with their Academic & Career Advisor or MPP Academy staff member prior to completing your “Summer Intensive” and “Academic Year Programming” Enrollment Agreements. Parents are encouraged to attend the meeting with their child. After the meeting, the enrollment agreement will be sent directly to students and their parents to review, sign, and submit to the Office of the MPP Academy.