Medical Physician Preparation (MPP) Academy

A Division of the NAPCA Foundation

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., Physician Assistants, Nurses, Dentists, EMTs/Paramedics) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

MPP Academy

Medical Physician Preparation Academy

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., physician assistants, nurses, dentists) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

Program Curriculum

During your first two years as a Ross Med student, you will complete our five-semester, 20-month medical sciences curriculum in Barbados before heading to the U.S. for your clinical rotations.

The pre-clinical curriculum includes ten 7.5-week modules focused on three themes: (1) biomedical foundations (BF), (2) clinical foundations (CF), and (3) community medicine and global health (CH).

View the academic catalog for full course descriptions.

Medical Physician Preparation (MPP) Academy

Biomedical Foundation - (BF)

Clinical Foundations - (CF)

Community Medical & Global Health - (CH)

Curriculum Modules

8 credits

During this introductory course, you’ll encounter the core concepts and skills needed for further systems-based learning and clinical encounters as you learn:

  • The general principles of biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and molecular biology. (BF)
  • Communication and interviewing skills. (CF)
  • The foundations of research and how to critically appraise medical literature. (CH)

Throughout this module, you’ll also learn about the theory and practice of five physical examinations and be exposed to real patients through a Community Health visit.

8 credits

Building on the previous module, Fundamentals and Foundations of Medicine 2 will further your development of core concepts and skills in medicine, including:

  • The general principles of embryology, histology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. (BF)
  • Key social science concepts and continued development of communication and interviewing skills. (CF)
  • Continued practice with critically appraising medical literature and an introduction to the development of a research project. (CH)

During this course, you will become competent in three more complex physical examinations and encounter real patients through two Community Health visits.

8 credits

This module will provide you with a solid grounding in the normal and abnormal processes and disorders of the immune, blood, and lymphoreticular systems.

Using representative cases that will help you weave your biomedical knowledge into clinical frameworks, you will learn:

  • The structure and function of these systems, along with the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, complications, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of patients with disorders or diseases affecting these systems. (BF)
  • Clinical reasoning skills through small-group, problem-based learning activities focused on virtual patients. (CF)
  • Essential public health topics. (CH)

Through this course, you will receive accredited training in Basic Life Support and certification from the American Heart Association®.

8 credits

This module begins with discussion of the normal microscopic anatomy and function of skin as well as the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of common dermatological conditions before moving on to the musculoskeletal system. This course includes:

  • An introduction to medical entomology. (BF)
  • An exploration of the origin and function of muscle, cartilage, and bone through virtual dissection of the back and limbs in a digital anatomy laboratory. (BF)
  • Continued development of clinical reasoning skills using relevant cases. (CF)
  • Discussion of a variety of topics around health inequity, improvements and innovation in healthcare, and another Community Health visit with real patients. (CH)

8 credits

The Cardiology module will provide you with a foundation in the normal processes and disorders of the cardiovascular system. It includes:

  • Discussion of embryology, anatomy, and physiology of the heart, including activities in the virtual anatomy laboratory and activities focused on interpreting electrocardiograms. (BF)
  • Simulated patient visits. (CF)
  • Real patient interactions during a Community Health visit, as well as discussion of the epidemiology and effects of cardiovascular disease. (CH)

8 credits

This module concentrates on function and disorders of the respiratory and renal systems. During this course, you will:

  • Explore the structure and function of the lung and kidney, including virtual dissection, and the connections between respiratory, renal, and cardiovascular systems and diseases. (BF)
  • Learn how to address these issues through simulated patient visits. (CF)
  • Engage with real patients through a Community Health visit. (CH)

8 credits

In this course, you will explore the structure, function, and disorders of the gastrointestinal system, as well as clinically-relevant essentials of nutrition and diet-related disease. This includes:

  • A virtual dissection of the abdomen and examination of the clinical presentation of metabolic diseases and nutritional deficiency. (BF)
  • Refinement of your physical examination skills through simulated patient visits. (CF)
  • Additional Community Health visits with the opportunity to engage with real patients. (CH)

8 credits

This module focuses on key clinically-relevant concepts around the endocrine and reproductive systems, including:

  • An integrated discussion of normal and abnormal endocrine function and the complexity of endocrine diseases and treatment, as well as reproductive function, dysfunction, and treatment. (BF)
  • Clinical application of knowledge through simulated patient visits. (CF)
  • Screening and prevention of related diseases, implication of menopause, relationships between gender and health, and unplanned pregnancy. (CH)

8 credits

Through this course, you will learn about the organization, function, and disorders of the human nervous system, including:

  • Discussions of neuroanatomical systems through a detailed virtual visualization and dissection of the head, neck, and brain. (BF)
  • The application of principles of neuropharmacology in clinical psychiatry.
    Continued development of physical examination skills through a final simulated patient visit. (CF)
  • The culmination of research foundations through a research paper and a final Community Health visit with real patients. (CH)

8 credits

This final module provides you with the opportunity to integrate your acquired competencies, medical knowledge, and clinical skills through complex and multi-organ system case presentations. Clinical vignettes will sharpen your clinical and analytical skills, preparing you for your Comprehensive Basic Science Examination (CBSE) and demonstrate your mastery of United States Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®) Step 1 Content Outline concepts.


After completing the Medical Sciences curriculum in Barbados, your Ross Med journey continues in years 3 and 4 as you begin your Clinical Education curriculum at teaching hospitals in the United States.

During this time, you will also prepare for and take the United States Medical License Examination® (USMLE®) Step 1 and Step 2.

Because Ross Med students begin clinical training and patient interaction in their first semester, you’ll be well prepared as you begin these clinical rotations and prepare for residency.

Step 1: Years 1 & 2


Medical Sciences USMLE® 

Year 3


Clinical Sciences

Core Rotations

Step 2: Year 4



Clinical Sciences

Elective Rotations


Step 3: Residency