Medical Physician Preparation (MPP) Academy

A Division of the NAPCA Foundation

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., Physician Assistants, Nurses, Dentists, EMTs/Paramedics) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

MPP Academy

Medical Physician Preparation Academy

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., physician assistants, nurses, dentists) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.


In each medical science course at MPP, we integrate our medical science foundation curriculum with hands-on clinical skills training (techniques and diagnostics) to expose MPP students to a variety of clinical skills that are commonly performed in patient care scenarios from different medical specialties and careers in medicine.

Additionally, MPP students will discover different types of doctors and medical professionals (i.e., Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, EMT/Paramedic, etc.) while practicing clinical skills.



1. Students work with their learning/medical team of peers to gain experience diagnosing and formulating treatment plans for their simulated patients during the clinical skills training courses offered at MPP.

2. All MPP students will be assessed for their ability to perform patient care tasks and receive direct feedback on their performance from licensed physicians and medical professionals. 

Simulated Patient

A simulated patient (SP), also known as a standardized patient, sample patient, or simulated participant, is an individual trained to act as a real patient who is ill or injured.  SP’s help MPP students learn and practice their clinical, conversational and professional conduct skills for an actual patient encounter in a safe and controlled environment, supervised by medical professionals.

  • A simulated patient (SP) example can be an individual with headache symptoms or an injury to the left ankle, who is in need of medical assistance from a healthcare professional.