Medical Physician Preparation (MPP) Academy

A Division of the NAPCA Foundation

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., Physician Assistants, Nurses, Dentists, EMTs/Paramedics) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

MPP Academy

Medical Physician Preparation Academy

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., physician assistants, nurses, dentists) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

Preoperative, Intraoperative, & Postoperative Care

Grief and Comfort Care

The stages of grief, types of grief, and the difference between palliative and hospice care.

Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and General Adaptation Syndrome

Sleep basics, sleep disorders, and general adaptation syndrome (GAS).

Pain - Types, Etiology, and Treatments

Types of pain, pain etiology and location, pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management, and patient-controlled analgesia.

Bed Baths, Bed Making, Oral/Denture Care, and Seizure Precautions

How to give a bed bath, make a bed, provide oral care and denture care, and what it means when your patient is on seizure precautions.

Pressure Injuries - Risk Factors, Prevention, and Staging

Pressure injury risk factors, prevention, and staging.

Fall Prevention and Restraints

Fall prevention in the acute care and home settings, along with everything you need to know about restraints.

Canes, Walkers, and Crutches

Mobility devices including canes, walkers, and crutches.

Immobility and Deep Vein Thrombosis

The physical and functional effects of immobility, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and nursing care to combat the effects of immobility.

Electrolytes and Electrolyte Imbalances

Get the key facts you need on basic considerations of electrolytes and electrolyte imbalances, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

Fluid Balance, Intake/Output, Fluid Volume Deficit and Excess

Get an overview of solution osmolarity, calculating intake and output, fluid volume deficit, and fluid volume excess.

Wound Care and Diabetic Foot Care

Get the scoop on wound culture and irrigation, sterile dressing changes, suture and staple removal, care of drains, and diabetic foot care.

Wound Healing

The phases of wound healing, healing by intention (primary, secondary, and tertiary), complications and barriers to healing, and wound drainage/appearance.

Nasogastric Tubes

Considerations for the indication, insertion, placement confirmation and removal of nasogastric (NG) tubes.

Dysphagia, Diet Types, Foodborne Illnesses, Blood Glucose Measurement

Dysphagia, therapeutic diet types (NPO, clear liquid, full liquid, soft, dysphagia, and regular), prevention of foodborne illnesses, and capillary blood glucose measurement.

Macronutrients, Micronutrients, and BMI

The key points you need to know on macronutrients, micronutrients, and body mass index (BMI).

Acid/Base Imbalances

Learn all about the basics of acid/base imbalances, including respiratory alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, and metabolic acidosis.

Constipation, Diarrhea, and Ostomies.

Constipation, diarrhea, and important content about ostomies (ileostomy and colostomy).

Bladder Scanner Use and Urinary Catheters

The use of bladder scanners and key points of urinary catheters (indwelling, straight, suprapubic, and external).

Urinary Specimen Collection, Incontinence, and Urinary Tract

The basics of urinary elimination and specimen collection, urinary incontinence, and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition

Learn the most important facts on enteral and parenteral nutrition.

Chest Tubes, Artificial Airways, Tracheostomy Care, Home Oxygen Safety

The basics of chest tubes, artificial airways, tracheostomy care, and home oxygen safety.

Oxygen Delivery Devices, Oxygenation Interventions, and Suctioning

Oxygen delivery devices (nasal cannula, non-rebreather, venturi device), therapeutic oxygenation interventions (chest physiotherapy and positive airway pressure), and suctioning.

Hypoxemia, Hypoxia, Techniques to Improve Oxygenation

Ventilation, diffusion, and perfusion, along with hypoxemia, hypoxia, and techniques to improve oxygenation.

Laxatives, Enemas, and Fecal Occult Blood Testing

Learn the key facts on laxatives, enemas, and fecal occult blood testing (FOBT).

Sterile Field - Indications, Best Practices, and Preparation

Everything you need to know about sterile fields, including the indications, sterility best practices, and how to set up a sterile field.

Sharps Injuries, Body Mechanics, and Brachytherapy

Inpatient safety regarding sharps injuries, proper body mechanics, and the care of patients receiving internal radiation (brachytherapy).

Disaster Response - Fires, Equipment Malfunctions, Chemical Exposure, Tornadoes, and Bomb Threats

Inpatient safety, including fire safety, equipment malfunction, chemical exposure, tornado safety, and bomb threats.

Types of Immunity and Illnesses

Types of immunity (active natural, active artificial, passive natural, and passive artificial), types of illnesses (acute and chronic) along with types of risk factors (modifiable and non-modifiable).

The Chain and Stages of Infection

The chain of infection (infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible host) and the stages of infection (incubation, prodromal, illness, and convalescence).

Patient Positions

The different types of patient positions, including supine, prone, semi-Fowler’s, Fowler’s, high-Fowler’s, lateral, Sims’, Trendelenburg, reverse Trendelenburg, and lithotomy.

Cultural Considerations, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Cultural considerations, culturally competent care, religious practices impacting patient care, and different types of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and their possible contraindications.

Medical Care Professional Communication

The communication process, communication levels, forms of nonverbal communication, and therapeutic vs. non-therapeutic communication are important topics in health care. Better communication leads to better care and better health outcomes.

Health Belief and Transtheoretical Models

Why are some patients eager, and some reluctant, to take action to improve their health? How do you know when a patient is ready to make a change? In this class, we explain the Health Belief Model and the Transtheoretical Model, which will help you better understand your patients, improve communication, and help promote better health outcomes.

Theoretical Foundations - Kohlberg, Maslow, Erikson, and Piaget

Theoretical foundations of health care, including Kohlberg, Maslow, Erikson, and Piaget.

Intentional vs. Unintentional Torts and Mandatory Reporting

Types of intentional and unintentional torts, and the important points to know about being a mandated reporter.

Advance Directives and HIPAA

Types of advance directives and the provisions and best practices of HIPAA.

Informed Consent and the Right to Refuse

The concepts of informed consent and a patient’s right to refuse treatment.

Medical Profession and Ethics

The medical profession and ethical principles.