Medical Physician Preparation (MPP) Academy

A Division of the NAPCA Foundation

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., Physician Assistants, Nurses, Dentists, EMTs/Paramedics) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

MPP Academy

Medical Physician Preparation Academy

We are an early outreach "pre-med and medical/health professional school readiness" program, committed to preparing the next generation of medical doctors (MD's | DO's), health professionals (i.e., physician assistants, nurses, dentists) and scientists for the physician and healthcare workforce.

AYP Learning Experience

Zoom Class

Case Study Method:

An Active Learning Approach

The case study method is a discussion of real-life, common medical problems that human patients have faced in their lives. At MPP, we use the case study method to help our students develop the skills and competencies they’ll need to tackle real-life medical problems as future medical professionals, such as interdisciplinary analysis, strategic thinking, analytic problem-solving, decision-making, and communication.

The case method helps our students find solutions to real-world clinical situations with patients (i.e., a patient who is a 15 year old girl comes into the hospital with severe stomach aches). Our students will use not only the theoretical medical knowledge learned in class, but our students will also acquire the practical clinical skills and clinical experience, which increases our students’ knowledge and confidence in their pre-medical training.

Clinical Skills Labs:

Hands-On Clinical Experiences

Gaining clinical experience is a fundamental part of a student’s medical school application because it proves to medical schools and health professional schools that the applicant has been exposed to the medical field and is confident that they wants a career in this type of setting.

When medical school admissions teams highlight clinical experience as a core requirement, they’re doing more than simply checking a box. If a student has firsthand experience in a clinical setting, it tells the admissions committee a number of things about an applicant:

  • They know what they’re getting into by pursuing medicine.
  • They’ve begun to develop skills related to direct patient care and the treatment of people from diverse backgrounds.
  • They’re prepared to navigate hospital and clinical environments as part of a dynamic medical team.
  • They’re committed to the process of becoming a licensed physician.

Clinical Research Experience:

Gateway to a career in effective clinical research starts here!

MPP provides students with a faculty advisor that mentors and supervises their clinical research experience. The overarching goal of the clinical research experience is to equip the next generation of medical professionals and scientists with the skill sets essential to evaluating evidence, understanding biostatistics and epidemiology, and producing high quality clinical research. Our aim is to ensure that MPP students develop a strong foundation in the design, implementation, analysis and interpretation of clinical research studies.

Pre-Medical Student Research: Group Project

Small-Scale Literature Review Assignment

  • Building on what students learn in MPP’s pre-med readiness program, students will complete a pre-medical student research project that investigates a common medical problem of their choice (a list of research topics will also be provided to students) and develop recommendations to treat and manage the medical problem using a problem-solving framework.
  • Students will be mentored by a MPP faculty who will guide them through the research process. Students are asked to locate at least 10 educational journal articles on your topic and write a 5 – 10 page literature review on the articles you’ve selected.
  • MPP Students have an opportunity to focus their scholarly efforts on many important biomedical problems including infectious diseases, cancer, neuro-degenerative diseases and trauma, substance use and psychiatric disorders, heart and lymphatic disease, to name a few.
  • Research groups will consist of two to three students per group.
  • Data Drives Decision Making: The root of this assignment helps our MPP students learn how to use research to solve problems by using evidence based problem solving methods.


  • Our Elective courses and SIGs represent some of the 135 medical specialties and subspecialties that you can pursue in medicine and healthcare.
  • Don’t see your medical specialty interest offered, MPP students are encouraged to create their own Medical Specialty Interest Group with the support of a MPP faculty member serving as a Faculty Advisor.
  • We offer Medical Specialty Elective courses and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) at MPP to help our students explore a variety of medical specialties in medicine and to help them choose their top 5 medical specialties or a specific career in the field of medicine/healthcare that matches their core values, skills, and interests.



Click the link on each specialty below to view the course description.

Discussion Groups & Leaders:

Learning Teams

  • Learning Teams: To enhance student learning, they will be placed in small peer discussion groups, which enable them to gain a better understanding of the materials, test new ideas before class, and broaden their perspectives. It’s the perfect opportunity for both teaching and learning.
  • Discussion Leaders: Once the program begins, students may be assigned to be the leader of a discussion group. In this role, student leaders will facilitate the discussion, help the group remain focused on the questions at hand, and ensure every member shares his/her unique viewpoints.

MPP Academy Curriculum

The curriculum focuses on providing students with the academic preparation necessary to ensure they are prepared to succeed in college-level pre-med coursework and in medical or health professional schools. To learn more about the courses students will take during the program, please visit our Program Curriculum page.

The Program Curriculum Contains 9 Key Components

  • Pre-Med Foundations: Preparing for Medical & Health Professional Schools
  • Career Exploration & Planning: Navigating the Career Decision Making Process
  • Career Development
  • Academic Skills Development & Writing for College and Career Success
  • Navigating the College Admissions Process
  • College Affordability Planning: Paying for College
  • Social and Emotional Skills for College & Career Readiness
  • Experience College Life
  • International Experience: Cultural & Global Awareness Programming

MPP Program core courses will focus on the following systems of the body:

  • Cardiovascular
  • Respiratory
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neurological
  • Endocrine
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Pediatrics
  • Ear, Nose, and Throat
  • Ophthalmology
  • Emergency Medicine

MPP prepares students to be better prepared to thrive in the pre-med academic prerequisite coursework that is required to enter and complete medical school or health professional schools (nursing, dental, PA, optometry, pharmacy).

Trips & Tours

Site Visits to Local Hospitals & Clinics

  • Students will observe and better understand the nature of a healthcare professional’s typical day.
  • Emphasis will be placed on students becoming familiar with different medical, academic, and research settings.

Medical School Tours

  • Students will have the opportunity to participate in tours of top medical school campuses.
  • Medical school tours give prospective students the chance to become familiar with various learning facilities and ask specific questions.

International Experience – Study Abroad Trip

  • Students will attend a 1 week on-campus MPP Academy summer intensive program at a well-respected University/medical school outside of the U.S. This study abroad trip will raise global awareness through students experiencing first-hand what it’s like to practice medicine internationally.
  • Additionally, students will learn about the social, economic, and environmental factors that affect the health of patients and populations in a healthcare system outside of the U.S.A., with a particular focus on understanding the health inequities that exist between patient populations.